
Private Equity

Is it right for you?


The selling of your practice assets to a private equity company can seem complicated and uncertain.  There is no shortage of interested firms seeking ophthalmology practices with a predictive growth strategy.  But is private equity the right fit for you and the vision you have for your practice?  And how do you know which one to consider?  What is involved and how does it all work?  Moving forward with a private equity partner is much more than just money.  It's a marriage.  Wind up with the wrong marriage partner and the outcome is predictable.

In contrast, if aligned with the right private equity partner that understands your business and long term goals, such a partnership can yield appreciable returns on many fronts.  These include an initial cash payout, an administrative support system that you don't have to manage, an influx of capital and  marketing tactics to generate surgical volume growth and an option to enjoy ownership in the new entity you have joined.   Bottom line is you get to focus on things that matter most to you as a practicing ophthalmologist.  


So, is private equity right for you?  It all depends.  At Pegasus Equity Advisors we can initiate and guide you through this process so you can make an informed decision.

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